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What we offer

As specialists in Qualitative Research Arc52 focuses on the ethics of researching with human subjects. We offer training in the fundamentals of Research Integrity and Ethics for research students and junior staff. Our particular strength is in designing and facilitating development sessions for departments and schools Ethics Panels and Committees. 


Please get in touch using the contacts tab above to discuss your needs.

Skills, Knowledge and practice

Skills, knowledge and practice 
Whether it's providing basic training to doctoral cohorts or facilitating development sessions for Ethics Officers, all of our Research Ethics and Integrity sessions start with a principles based approach to developing knowledge and practice.
  • An introduction to Research Ethics and Integrity - including your institutions codes' and policies

  • Developing processes for Ethics Panels and Committees 

  • Becoming an Ethics Officer or Panel member 


These are just some of the common areas that can be covered in workshops. Arc52 can design and deliver sessions that meet your needs needs; whether its working to meet the requirements of the Concordat on Research Integrity, designing or re-designing ethics application processes, or providing training and development sessions for researchers. We normally work with you within the parameters of your own institutions codes of ethics and integrity.



Our expertise

Your tutor

Dr Cathy Gibbons has a Masters degree and PhD in Human Relations from the University of Nottingham. She has convened, designed, delivered and facilitated Research Ethics and Integrity in the UK context, face to face and online for almost a decade. 

All sessions are planned with the development of researchers' skills in mind. Refer to Vitae's Researcher Development Framework to find out more about the kinds of skill areas that are considered important in the UK.


Arc52 can travel to you anywhere in the world to deliver modules to groups. Work with us to design something special for your organisation. 

Costs and payment

Prices start from £500 for group sessions.

Contact us at for information on costs and payment. 


Arc52 has an international audience. Native and non-native speakers of English are welcome. However, these qualitative sessions require higher levels of English comprehension than our other courses, with a minium of IELTS level 7 for non-native speakers. 

Arc52: Consultancy in Researcher Development

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